Fantastic Fakeness - I had two fake firsts on my life last week... nails and spray tan... and I think I'm a convert. Both turned out amazing, both lasted ages, both were fairly comfortable... well as comfortable as you can be in someone else's house and being told you can't wear a bra until tomorrow. My main reason for the tan was because I was wearing a strapless dress to S&C's wedding last week and my nails were to match the rest of the bridesmaids shellac manicures. Even though a girl should rarely fake anything this is highly, highly recommended.
Braids - Overly long hair that I cannot style by myself equals a lot of bun and braid wearing just to keep it off my face. I had been growing my hair for the wedding and it's probably at its longest in my memory - about a third of the way down my back - and that's very long for a girl who used to get a blade four trim all over in the summer months. Thank god that braids are still in style - simple, easy and so pretty to look at... and a great way to hide two day old hair.
Old Favourites - I've been spending a lot of my time over at S's, am keeping an eye on her cats cause I'm a great friend. I might have also pilfered her bookshelves a little, pulling out books that I've read years ago and almost forgotten about. Delightful.
Old Favourites - I've been spending a lot of my time over at S's, am keeping an eye on her cats cause I'm a great friend. I might have also pilfered her bookshelves a little, pulling out books that I've read years ago and almost forgotten about. Delightful.
Honourable Mentions - strapless dresses, apple crumble, Room by Emma Donoghue - it's haunting, road trips, Micheal Buble, photos from Vegas, yoghurt with muesli, lie-ins, the first run after a week off, the guilty pleasure that is Teen Wolf, writing in pencil instead of pen for a whole day, band aids with cartoons printed on them - makes me feel like a kid again, crunchy green apples, bare legs - even when it's raining
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