Thursday, May 19, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Sweet And Juicy - How can anyone resist fresh fruit when the weather gets warmer? Well... cause some of it doesn't taste nice, but the rest... it tastes amazing. Yes = apples, strawberries, any melon except watermelon, pears, bananas, pineapple, mango, rhubarb. Meh = plums, peaches, nectarines, blackberries. Nah = watermelon, raspberries, blueberries, kiwis, currants, citrus fruits. What are your favourites? Any recommendations for something new for me to try? 

Pretty Scents - I'm not harping on about being stuck at my desk all this week and grading exams I swear but this week I really appreciate having scented candles on my desk to make it all a little more pleasant. Even though I open the window from time to time the room still gets kinda stuffy but my Knackered Cow candles from Cowshed are really doing a wonderful job to keep me focused.  

Childhood Lost - My desk is right beside the window in my room. I can feel the sunshine on my back as I work. I can also listen to the rain when the day turns showery, but yesterday I spent most of the day listening to kids playing out on the street. Their yells and laughter was so soothing. It really brought back memories of my childhood and the games we used to play outside. I really think that the generations that have followed ours are missing out just a little because of how easily accessible digital entertainment and how often it is chosen over simple playing in the fresh air.

Honourable Mentions - Kimberley biscuits (thank you Raymy), friends who come home from college and make me tea just cause they saw a post on  Facebook, red glitter toenails (although I know that it will be a nightmare to get all the glitter off), seeing how long my hair is when it's straightened - almost half way down my back, thank you very much, still pinning away to my hearts content, THIS post from Pacing The Panic Room made me laugh out loud, I love HER hair and scarf so much, my first punnet of strawberries this season - so sweet and juicy, THIS video kept me entertained for quite a while - Nick Pitera is so talented

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