Thursday, April 7, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

High Volume - I am really happy that over-ear headphones are back in vogue again. I am one of those people who complain about ear buds hurting, and falling out, and not great sound quality, and all the other things that people who don't like ear buds give out about. I will admit that they are really handy, incredibly space saving and allow for some sneaky music listening cause I can hide the fact that I'm wearing headphones under my hair, but I still love over-ears way more. The only thing... which ones should I get? I've been lusting after a few pairs lately and I just can't decide. Help - my choices are these, these and these, and maybe these

Jar - There is something awfully cute about using jars for more than holding jam and marmalade. This post HERE started off my jar obsession this week, but usually it doesn't take much to have me raving about putting stuff in jars. From baking cakes in jars, to putting cake in jars and cake mix in jars, even eating cake while the room is lit by candles in jars and a mason jar of milk beside you to wash it all down with, jars really do seem to be incredibly useful.

Faking It - Some things just shouldn't be fake - diamonds, sincerity and friends. Some things are ok if they're fake sometimes - tan, butter and nails. Other things benefit a little from being faked. Like a smile - even if you're not feeling it, even if you don't want to, you still should try to turn the corners of your mouth up a little. After a little bit you might even notice that the smile stays there on it's own, and maybe the person beside you might be smiling too. Sometimes it's ok to fake it til you make it - happiness and confidence are two that I often will fudge.

Honourable Mentions - eating peanut butter off the spoon, wildflowers popping up in the lawn, Red Bull shots, this Life calender, smelling cut grass again, eating pineapple chunks straight from the fridge, lime and fig scented candles, raiding my piggy bank to buy some sweets, online chats with much missed friends, matching underwear, sneaky slices of pizza, Zumba Mix at the UL Sports Arena, this skull ring that I picked up in a 30% off sale, this DIY Turban tutorial - am very tempted to try it out but am not too  sure that I could pull it off

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