Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Don't you love how since the coming of Beyonce you can just add 'licious' to the end of any word?

Today I'm loving, and rocking, the maxi dress. Mine is grey and pink striped, picked up for a fiver in the sales - thank you Penny's, a grey boyfriend cardi over it with a button or two done and a slim grey fabric belt to pull it all in, since the dress is actually two sizes too big - thank you Penny's. Finishing off my look for today is a pair of grey wedges and a bright turquoise clutch to add a little colour. 

What are you wearing today?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Little Self Love

Get your head out of the gutter... Here's a few images from my Pinterest 'Self Love' board - a collection of images of all the things that I specifically love.

Belief. Delicate Jewellery. Initials. The Beach. Intimacy and Hugs. Pretty Nails. Fabulous Lingerie. How I See Me.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hey There Stupid

Have you ever had one of those days where you're doing something really stupid and you know it, but you can't really help yourself? 

That's me, today, stupid.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pretty Boy Friday

Michael Fassbender rounds out this weeks posts as out PBF.

Pretty Girl Friday

Billie Piper has been nominated as the week's Pretty Girl. Fabulous, flirty and fun.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Help - I love that I have the kind of friends that when a cry for help is sent out they reply. I'm part of a pretty big project over the next few weeks that I really shouldn't have taken on and the support that everyone is giving is overwhelming to say the least. Thanks guys, I heart you all.

Comfort - When times get a little tough for me I always retreat to all things comfort related. My cozy slipper socks, lots of body lotion and curling up in bed. Steaming mugs of tea and long chats on the phone with people I love. My favourite worn jumper and a huge scarf. Everything and anything soft and warm and snuggly. The only thing I was missing was lots of hugs and cuddles to make my comfort-athon complete.

Honourable Mentions - red tunnel scarves (on my must find list for autumn), the bounce of a fresh blow dry, sunny afternoons with my shades on, fresh linen on my bed, wearing orange, the Benetton sales (pity I can't afford to bring any of the treasures home though), long sleeves and short shorts, my beautiful new turquoise day clutch, wanting these wedges and these shoes from ASOS, coffee and a book while still in bed, sorely missed friends on semi surprise visits, Very Berry Barry's tea, hugging a hot water bottle on a cold night, this beautiful bracelet, new cartoon themed panties

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday Wishes

This weeks wish is a simple one... shake this sense of impending doom

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Journey Begins

Stage 1 of the Ombre Journey got underway today.
I am so thrilled with the outcome I actually bounced out of the salon earlier on. My hair is notoriously difficult to colour and unmanageably thick. Most attempts to dye it result in a disaster that just gets covered up with a bottle of Natural Black, and hair cuts can be very hit or miss (if the layers are too short my head has a tendency to look like a Christmas tree). 

The photos really do no justice to the colour at all. You really need to see this colour in daylight to get the full effect. Laura, the owner of Vibe in Thurles, who personally took care of my colour today, spent ages putting in a head of duo tone low lights in copper and caramel. She put a lot of care into making sure I didn't end up with zebra hair, and it paid off. I've got beautifully natural looking tones that make me wish I had actually gotten them from a summer on the beach.

We decided to skip cutting my hair into the new style for the time being and wait and see how the next stage of colouring turns out before chopping off 6 inches. Secretly I was delighted - this is the longest my hair has ever been, ever and it would be kinda nice to keep it for a little longer.

Cardigan - Pennys
Vest - Dunnes
Jeans - Dunnes

What do you think?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hair Update

Finally... it's hair cut time. 
Tomorrow is the first in a series of trips to the hairdressers to turn my hair into this.

If you ask really nicely I will post a photo for you

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Just So You Know

Do you know what's really difficult to do?

Painting your nails when you have the hiccoughs...


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Fantastic Fakeness - I had two fake firsts on my life last week... nails and spray tan... and I think I'm a convert. Both turned out amazing, both lasted ages, both were fairly comfortable... well as comfortable as you can be in someone else's house and being told you can't wear a bra until tomorrow. My main reason for the tan was because I was wearing a strapless dress to S&C's wedding last week and my nails were to match the rest of the bridesmaids shellac manicures. Even though a girl should rarely fake anything this is highly, highly recommended.   

Braids - Overly long hair that I cannot style by myself equals a lot of bun and braid wearing just to keep it off my face. I had been growing my hair for the wedding and it's probably at its longest in my memory - about a third of the way down my back - and that's very long for a girl who used to get a blade four trim all over in the summer months. Thank god that braids are still in style - simple, easy and so pretty to look at... and a great way to hide two day old hair.

Old Favourites - I've been spending a lot of my time over at S's, am keeping an eye on her cats cause I'm a great friend. I might have also pilfered her bookshelves a little, pulling out books that I've read years ago and almost forgotten about. Delightful. 

Honourable Mentions - strapless dresses, apple crumble, Room by Emma Donoghue - it's haunting, road trips, Micheal Buble, photos from Vegas, yoghurt with muesli, lie-ins, the first run after a week off, the guilty pleasure that is Teen Wolf, writing in pencil instead of pen for a whole day, band aids with cartoons printed on them - makes me feel like a kid again, crunchy green apples, bare legs - even when it's raining 
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