A few months ago I told you all about how I learned to sleep alone again when a five year relationship ended. It was strange and liberating to have a whole bed to myself again and I loved it. But then S moved out and I moved into her room - cause I really wanted the electric shower - and I found myself back on one side of the bed again.
How did that happen? I don't have another significant other, I'm not looking to make space for one in my life right now, so how the hell did I end up drifting back out to the edge of the mattress. I woke up one morning last week after another night of edge hugging and asked myself what was going on? And then I realised.... when I had made up my new bed I had automatically put the pillows into two piles at the head of the bed, and therefore I had automatically slept on one pile of them... on one side of the bed.
That evening I stripped the bed and as I remade it I carefully put just one huge pile of pillows at the top... and it worked. I was back in the middle of my bed.
Have you ever found that you do things out of habit that impact of the rest of your day?
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