
Keeping Secrets - I have a secret, and I'm going crazy trying not to tell everyone (I'm not pregnant, just in case you think it's that). I tried to keep it from the guys I live with and the guys I work with, but I've already blabbed it to them so the only people who don't know are all of my archery people. They get to find out on Saturday and then I can tell you all too. Yea! I'm really terrible at keeping secrets so this is a big deal for me.

Finding Homes - I had a beautiful new pair of sequin flats in my wardrobe. I decided that I would wear them to work yesterday only to find out that they are small fitting and therefore a half size wrong for me. Now I could have left them into the bottom of my wardrobe and scowled at them every time I saw them, and tried, and probably failed, to stretch them out to something vaguely comfortable to wear but I decided NO! I'll give them to someone who can enjoy them now. Those shoes deserve a nice home, with someone who loves them. So I knocked on Raymy's door and asked her if she wanted to adopt the flats. She did.

Sweater Dresses - Oh sweater dress how I love thee. You are so comfortable, so warm, so soft. You might not be the most flattering item in my wardrobe as you hug my hips a little too snugly but when I pair you with a pretty, draped cardigan and some boots you are stunning. Please don't ever leave me.
Honorable Mentions - Mind, Body, Fusion classes at the fitness centre for only €2.20 during my lunch hour, Getting back into a teaching routine next week, Heading away with my team for a two day competition this weekend in Galway, Freshly painted purple toe nails, Hazelnut cappuccinos from Javas on campus
Honorable Mentions - Mind, Body, Fusion classes at the fitness centre for only €2.20 during my lunch hour, Getting back into a teaching routine next week, Heading away with my team for a two day competition this weekend in Galway, Freshly painted purple toe nails, Hazelnut cappuccinos from Javas on campus
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