I woke up this morning to find a parcel inside the front door, and when I opened it look what I found inside.

I have the sweetest friends ever!
Earlier this week I posted about
this necklace, and a little while later I got a message on Facebook from
Samantha looking for my address. How fantastically, amazingly sweet is that?!?! She also picked out these beautiful earrings as a surprise for me. Isn't she a keeper! But...

...do you really want to know what the best part was? Two other friends came looking for my address so that they could get it for when my birthday came around......And when I got home from college today Sonya handed me an identical 'A Box For Your Treasures' package containing the apple tree necklace that she had bought me as a going away present before she moves out in a few weeks.
It's gestures like all those above that let me know that I am incredibly lucky to have friends like I do. Amazing, thoughtful, generous, fantastic friends who make everything better by just being around, whether it's online or downstairs in the sitting room, they always know how to make me smile.In the immortal words of Blanche, Rose, Dorothy and Sophia'Thank you for being a friend'Hugs and lots of love to Samantha and Sonya, and Dawn and Fredrick too