Oh what a great weekend!
Doogle's 21st was such a fun fun fun party. You would never think that twenty-something year olds could get that excited about balloons and bunting. The house and garden looked so good, all lit up and COVERED in bunting and fairy lights.
And there was a BOUNCY CASTLE! A huge adult sized bouncy castle, and inflatable sumo suits and an inflatable jousting challenge. It was like you got a children's birthday party wish-list and gave it to a bunch of over-excited adults. I have never had such fits of hysterical giggling before and my sides are still aching from all the laughing.
The birthday girl herself got up on the jousting challenge, and didn't even get to win. We felt a little sorry for her so I borrowed her camera and filled it with people pulling stupid faces to cheer her up. The rest of the night was spent curled up outside around the fire pit wrapped in blankets and talking into the wee hours.
But the highlight of the night was seeing Daddy Doogle in a sumo suit and watching Mammy Doogle bop away to the music with her glow-in-the-dark bracelets and glo-sticks.
The Doogle family was nice enough to let us, all 14 of us, take over their lovely sitting room and curl up and sleep until the smell of frying rashers and sausages woke us up the following morning.
And then we re-inflated the bouncy castle and bounced all over again!