Thursday, July 30, 2009

Things I Love Thursday


Licorice Allsorts - Yum, yum, yum in my tum. And it is completely impossible to eat more than 5 of these at a time so you never get sick of them and a bag lasts about 2 weeks.

Summer Sales - As per previous post I got some goodies this week, also bought turquoise earrings, a braid hairband, high waisted navy nautical shorts, a rose print gathered skirt, 3 H&M vests, a black obi belt, a brown cross over purse, a green clutch, a flower brooch and a gray and purple striped T. Oh my when you type it out it sounds like a lot but when it's all added up it cost less than 80 euro for everything.

Ladies Day - Raymy, who now live in our house, went to the Galway Races today for Ladies Day and her outfit was so fabulous and amazing. She left befoe I got a picture but I'll see if I can get one from the days event. She started with just a strapless black satin dress and court shoes and she customised absolutely everything in just one day. She looked sensational.

So have you been loving anything this week?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lucious Lovely Lunch

I had a baby leaf salad with carrot strips, cucumber, mixed seeds, bacon and a poached egg, served with a slice of soda bread.

All made by me - I was so proud to make something that looked good enough to photograph.
And it tasted just as good as it looked.

yum yum

I Went Shopping

I was in town yesterday afternoon and decided to check out the summer sale in New Look.

I found a gorgeous cream flower ring and a dragonfly necklace but look at these sandals - gorgeous and so comfy.

Ring - reduced to 3 euro
Necklace - reduced to 1.25 euro
Sandals - reduced to 12 euro from 34 EURO

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Special K Swimsuit


Ok ladies, It's almost August, my holidays are only 8 days away, my 'every summer I'm going to lose weight' diet never really produced results so I ditched it and I decided to start being happy in the skin I'm in. I started swimming 3 mornings a week, I stopped eating things I knew I would regret, I pushed my plate away before I became too full, I started walking in the evenings (rain permitting). I haven't lost much weight but damn do I feel better. About my health, my figure, my mental state and my ability to sweep on a coat of mascara and a slick of lip gloss and know that I look great.

Diets are over rated. They are difficult and leave you miserable, they are impossible to stick to and as soon as you eat something that your diet sheet disapproves of you are filled with guilt and regret. This is no way to live!

Hours in the gym are over rated. Fair enough if you find it the best way to pound out your frustrations and get an endorphin high but don't do it just because some celebritary trainer says that this is what you have to do to fit into this seasons hot pants. Find a mode of exercise that you really enjoy - and finding it takes more than a few days. It took me 14 years to realise that I love being in the pool, the feeling of being supported by the water, learning how to take measured breaths and the relaxing steam afterwards.

Go read Already Pretty, especially Sals recent post about being happy to wear a bikini. Sal is on a one woman mission to try to help us to love our bodies and everything that they do. She is a wonderful lady with a heart of gold (and a very covetable wardrobe).

So every time you see one of those Special K ads where that pretty girl won't put on the red swimsuit until she eats nothing but cereal for weeks and loses weight, stick out your tongue at the tv and wear your red swimsuit with self love and pride.

Because I sure will.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Nicole GaGa


I was browsing through last March's Blackbook and spotted Nicole Ritchie looking awfully like Lady GaGa for this photo shoot.

What do you think? Did she just jump on the GaGa bandwagon?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not Quite Nigella

As a treat to yourself this lovely Sunday whip up this so simple, but so tasty, chocolate mousse.

Make sure you use the mini-marshmallows and try flavoured chocolate if you're feeling adventurous.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Female Porn


Fredrick thought he was being really smart this morning by sending me on his version of some female-friendly porn.

I just had to pass this on, enjoy the giggle!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things I Love Thursday


Cookie Jars - I picked up a gorgeous mason jar for keeping communal cookies in for our lovely, new, homely house. It is filled with penguin bars, mini kitkats and chocolate chip cookies. Yum yum.

New Books - The bible of Persona Design has finally come into the University library. Let the learning commence. It's brand new, the spine isn't even cracked yet. It has that new book smell too. My masters might be possible now.

Fish - Sonya has dependents now. One big goldfish called Paul, and three little fish called Ronan, Stringer and Warrick. The names are from the Munster Rugby Team, an Irish, and Limerick, institution.

What puts a smile on your face today?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Self Love


Mr T says that I need to learn to love myself more and to be happier in my own skin.

Any suggestions?

I've been reading some great posts over at
Already Pretty and Sal has a way of putting her posts together that has really helped me to see inner beauty. I've taken up swimming lately, not to lose weigh but just for the joy of swimming, and I've started spending more time in the company of good friends.

What else can anyone recommend to keep the self love ball rolling?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Treated Myself


I decided to treat myself yesterday and picked up this great maxi skirt from Dorothy Perkins

- but I don't intend on rocking the maxi skirt look -

oh no! This skirt makes the most amazing bandeau dress you have ever seen. Photos may follow if I can find an event worthy of this creation. And they also gave me 10% off for still being a student - how great are they!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Super Mario Memories


This morning I spotted some mail from Fredrick with this video. I nearly bounced around in my seat with glee watching it.

I LOVE Super Mario Brothers!

I had, and still have, a SNES growing up but the only game I wanted to play was Mario, sometimes for a change I would drift to MarioKart but I always came back to the original.

What consoles and games remind you of your childhood?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Things I Love Thursday


HP6 - I'm going to go to see it late this afternoon with Sonya and her 10 year old nephew. Can't wait. Loved the books, liked most of the films so far, looking forward to re-reading the books again once all the films have been released. Might even treat myself to some popcorn.

Re-reads - Finding a great book that you read years ago and curling up with a mug of tea to dive back in to it again. Found 'The Beach' by Alex Garland and am thoroughly enjoying it.

Budda Bags - A 2 person Budda bag now occupies half our sitting room floor and it is the best place to curl up with that tea that I mentioned and your re-read book. So soft, so comfortable, snugglable.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday Sonya!

I just want to take the opportunity today to tell her how much of a wonderful friend she is. She endures my sullen moods and I help her clean the kitchen. We spend a ridiculous amount of time doing the weekly shop and usually stop to look at shoes, well I do and Sonya tries to persuade me that I don't need another pair of black ballerina flats. We car pool to work and feel like we're doing just a little bit for the environment. We do our best to go to every Cirque Du Soleil show that will ever come to Ireland. We eat ice cream, and cookies, and she makes the best tasting lasagna on Tuesdays. She is the sister that I never had.

In the unforgettable words of the Golden Girls ' Thank you for being my friend'

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



This is the coolest toy ever! Zubbles are the only coloured, non-staining bubbles in the world. How fantastic would it be to head to the park for the afternoon and just blow bubbles to your hearts content. But at $15 for two bottles you need to blow wisely.



I want to take a nap here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Picnic avec Electric


Right... the tickets have been bought (Thank you so much Mr T, as I can't afford to go on my wages this year).

I'm looking into getting a tent. I've check out the line-up. I have a sleeping bag. I'm borrowing an air mattress. We have other friends coming too. I'm trying to find something to wear that I don't mind getting ruined. I got some new sunglasses. I'll bring plenty of baby wipes and cereal bars.

All I need now is a pair of patent purple wellies and a matching rain jacket!

What are your festival essentials?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Imelda May


I know that my previous post was about Imelda May but she is such a great lady. Her style is so cool and retro. She makes me want to wear high waisted skirts and little cardigans. She makes me want to streak my hair with a wildly different colour. She makes me want to dress like a lady who snuck out for a night on the town. She makes me want to wear eyeliner and lipstick and fake eyelashes. She makes me want to watch The Commitments. She is cool and beautiful and talented and Irish.

She is my girl crush.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Women Of Soul - Songs Of The Summer

This is the life

Amy MacDonald, what a great singer. I love that she keeps her accent while she sings.

Johnny got a boom boom

And my new favourite singer, Imelda May, the rockabilly sensation from Dublin. She is such a cool, sassy, retro act. You have to listen to her! She is amazing.

Have any of you gotten the chance to see either of them live? I'd love to know. Am hoping to see Imelda May at Electric Picnic in September.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i love blocks


Raymy just sent these on to me.

Cutest Badges Ever!
and so fitting in today's economic climate.

Only €2 each over at i love blocks. Get them here.

Shower Me


So much rain has fallen here in the last few days. I don't think it will ever stop.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Things I Love Thursday


Bubbles - I love sitting on the recliner and blowing bubbles, watching them dance around the garden.

Dinner - We have just started eating together in the house. Sonya did lasagna on Tuesday, I did fajitas last night and Kate is doing beef stir fry tonight. It feels like we have a little family community going on in our house.

Lady Gala - I love pink, crisp juicy apples. Yea for apples with frivolous names!

Free Time - I'm taking the weekend off and sitting on my bum! Can't wait!

What rocks your socks this week?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Thinking Mans Keira


Hands up who loves Natalie Portman! I do... I think she's great. From her portrayal of Mathilda in Leon, to her cute and quirky role in Garden State, and especially her part in V for Vendetta (although I really didn't like the shaven head look she had going on for it).

She has been described as the thinking mans Keira Knightley but I think that she is much much more.

So today I salute you Ms. Portman and I will watch one of your wonderful movies in celebration tonight. The Darjeeling Limited or Closer? I haven't heard any reviews for either so if anyone has seen them can you fill me in.


In honour of the first of the month I give you Mundy and my favourite song of his, called July.

'July please,
I'm on my knees,
The smell of your fresh cut grass,
Your blue sky grins
For all its sins
Look another gorgeous levi ass
July people come and go
It looks like another perfect day
Just to see your
Striptease show
July please try your best to stay'
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