Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Post College Survival Kit

This morning, much to my surprise and delight, I found an email in my inbox from the wonderful and talented Sarah Von alerting me to the fact that I won a spot on the PCSK ecourse from a Freckled Nest giveaway that I had entered.

Woop woop. 

This couldn't have come at a better time. Right now I'm in the process of starting to write up my Masters thesis, moving back home to save on rent, applying for some sort of relevant job to my degree and research, and generally trying to get on with my life and become a grown up. I think I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Check out the press release for the course.

College teaches us a lot of important things  (keg stands! kafka! last-minute cramming!)  but it doesn't necessarily prepare us for real life.  Frustrated by the lack of real-world preparation she received at college, blogger Sarah Von decided to rectify this situation by creating an ecourse that would teach twenty-somethings all the things that college didn't.  Combining forces with uber-bloggers Sally McGraw, Alex Franzen, Sarah Storer and Marie Jacobs, the team crafted a course that explains 401k, leases, loan consolidation and quarter-life crises in comprehensible, engaging language.  Yes!  Such a thing is possible! 

The eight-week course covers six areas - Cash Money // Work It // Apt., Sweet, Apt. // Friends & Lovers // Style, Srsly // Existential Crisis Management // Post College Survival Story Interviews.  Students get 16 weeks of access to a private blog, a 60-page work book, a private message board, four Vokle webinars with the instructors and heaps of support.

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